واتساب الذهبي

الموقع الرسمي لتحميل "واتساب الذهبي" بشكل أسرع ورسمي يختص موقع واتساب الذهبي باسهل الطرق المتوفرة لا استخدام "واتس اب الذهبي"

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قصة الصين وفيروس الكرونا The story of China and the Crohn virus

موقع خدمة الذات. Self Service Site
الصين والكرونا

 هناك الكثير. من الفيروسات المنشره المخيفه والمقلقه والفتاكه وسريعه التنقل بين البشرالتي انتشرت بين حين واخر ..كمثال فيروس فلونزا الطيور الذي خلف الكثير من الدمار واتلف الالاف الدواجن والطيور ونشر الرعب والذعر بين البشر .ومنها. فيروز.جنون البقر .كذالك قامت له الدعايات والحملات الاعلانيه المكثفه.وخلف..واتلف الالاف .من البقر.وفيروس .فلونز الخنازير كغيره من الفيروسات التي سبقته مخلفا. وراءه الكثير من الدمار والخساير البشريه والماديه ولو لاحضنا ان البلد الذي دئماا يكون انطلاق الفيروس .منها.لوجدناها. بلدان ذات حضاره قويه وقتصاد  مزتهر..كماا انهاا. تتكبد خسائر باهضه ..المستوى ..وتعاني  من ذالك الامر. اشد المعاناه
ولو نظرناا. من ناحيه اخرى.  لرئينا ..كان ذلك الفيروسات مفتعلة  ومعتمده. بان يكون  بدايه انطلاقها ..من المكان  المقصود. ..فهل ياترى ذلك الفيروسات. ..لها ..يد. في الحرب الاقتصاديه مثلا او ماشابهها ..وفي هاذى الموسم الفيروسي ...نرى. ان الفيروس المدعو  او المسى طبيا ..(كرونا)..نرى بدايه انطلاقه  من اقوى البلدان اقتصاديآ .وانتاجآ .واكثف سكانآ. (الصين)مصحوب باقوى الحملات الاعلامه المكثفه ... حيث يتم فيها. اكثر من نصف مليون اختراع  سنويآ...حيث غطت وابهرت  العالم باختراعاتها.وتقدمها التكلنوجي ..ووصلت منتجاتها الى كل العالم ونافست باسعارها واختراعاتها ..كل الدول المصنعة والمصدره والمخترعة...مما اصاب الذهول لمنافسيها. ..ووقفو  امامها مكتوفي الايدي ..فلم يتبقى لهم سوى ان بعضهم قامو بمحاربتها ..باردل الوسائل ..فبعضهم من قامو بفرض ضرائب باهضه المستوى المعقول على منتجاتها  وبعضهم قامو بالحملات الاعلانيه لتشكيك في نقاء وجودة اختراعاتها. التكلوجيه  فقامو بمحاربه الشركات الصينيه بشتى الوسائل والاتهامات كمثال شركة هواوي للهاتف السيار التي نافست بمنتجاتها شركه سامسونج  وآبل وغيرهما من الشركات الاوربية والامريكية..وقد  تم اتهامها مؤخرآ بتجسس لصالح الصين على مستخدميها وقامو بحملات اعلاميه مكثفيه على الشركه ..ومحاربتها بكل الوسائل والدعوة  لمقاطعتها ......والله من ورى القصد

There is a lot of devastations and the predictions of the devil, the most beautiful organs of the devastation, the bullet, which is the basis of the most beautiful and the most of his victory, "said:" The most beautiful organism of the fluorescence, "said:" If you are in the war, the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people or the most of his own, the predecessors of the original, the psychology of the fluorescence, "said:" If you are in the war, the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who have been, and the most important of his own, the bulletin, the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been in the same time, "said:" The most beautiful organism of the fluorescence, "said:" If you are in the war - the most important of which have been a number of people, "said:" The most beautiful organism of the fluorescence, "said:" "If you are in the war - the most important of which have been a number of people who have been, and the most important of the origin, the psychology of the fluorescence," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful organism. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychosis of the most beautiful orientation. The bullet of the most beautiful organism. The bulletin is the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychologists are not the most important of which have been a number of people who are in the same time," said: "If you are, the psychos

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واتساب الذهبي